Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :

EPACHA Foundation Proudly Celebrates
Asian-Pacific American
Heritage Month
May 2024

Courtesy, MLB
Learn more on the following web page:

An Undeniable FACT!
You can't truly "love baseball"
and not love . . .
"Asian-American Islanders"
whose genuine love for America
is also that same love
for the game!
Must See Video - Click to Watch . . .
Kainoa T. Correa: American professional baseball coach; bench coach and infield/baserunning instructor for the San Francisco Giants of
Major League Baseball (MLB). He played college baseball
for the University of Puget Sound. Correa is
of Native Hawaiian, Portuguese, and Japanese descent.

Video Courtesy. MLB - San Francisco Giants
Learn more on the following web pages:

Text Courtesy. Kai Correa - Wikipedia

Another Undeniable

David Laʻamea Kamanakapuʻu Māhinulani Nālaʻiaʻehuokalani Lumialani Kalākaua
Learn more at:
You can't love the rich cultures and heritage
of "music & dance" and not appreciate
expressions of "human soulfulness"
that is also naturally inherent in
"Asian-Pacific Americans"
whose "Love of Hawaii" is
synonymous with
"Love of Hula" - the
language of the heart, therefore
the heartbeat of the Hawaiian people.
Must See Video - Click to Watch & Learn!

Video Courtesy, megaplatypus
Must See Video - Click to Watch & Learn!

Video Courtesy, megaplatypus
Now, let's enjoy an expression of
"human soulfulness"
exhibited in the famous
"Zatoichi Dance Festival Ending."
Must See Video - Click to Watch & Learn!

Video Courtesy, megaplatypus
"Music & Dance" . . .
of "Human Soulfulness!"

Important Question . . .
Who are "True Americans?"

Courtesy, https://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2017/02/08/blogs/rarely-seen-photos-of-japanese-internment.html
Children pledging allegiance to the American flag at San Francisco’s Raphael Weill Elementary School in 1942. Those whose families were of Japanese ancestry were sent to internment camps.
The "Diverse Family of Humanity"
Includes the . . .
"Diverse Family of Americans"
ABC News Honors Asian American Culture with a Groundbreaking All-New Special
Video Courtesy, ABC News
"True Americans: Together
as One America!"

Asian-Pacific Americans &
"All Americans"
Recognizing & Honoring
"Yuri Kochiyama"
Video Courtesy, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus
Learn more on the following web page:

Internment of Japanese Americans
During World War II
During World War II, the United States, by order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, forcibly relocated and incarcerated at least 125,284 people of
Japanese descent in 75 identified incarceration sites.
Tatsuro Masuda, a Japanese American, unfurled this banner in Oakland, California the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. Dorothea Lange took this photograph in March 1942, just before his internment.
Official notice of exclusion and removal
The full caption for this photograph reads: Woodland, California. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry are
boarding a special train for Merced Assembly center. These people are a part of a group of
750 persons evacuated from this rich farming area.
The baggage of Japanese Americans from the West Coast, at a makeshift reception center
located at a racetrack
The full caption for this photograph reads: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. A
general all over view of a section of the emergency center looking north and west.
The full caption for this photograph reads: Gila River Relocation Center, Rivers, Arizona.
Evacuee farmers harvesting spinach at this relocation center.
The full caption for this photograph reads: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California.
Making camouflage nets for the War Department. This is one of several War and Navy
Department projects carried on by persons of Japanese ancestry in relocation centers.
The "American Dream" . . .
Shattered by
"Forced Internment."
The full caption for this photograph reads: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California.
Making camouflage nets for the War Department. This is one of several War and Navy
Department projects carried on by persons of Japanese ancestry in relocation centers.
"Yuri Kochiyama"
Photo Credit, Women's Foundation California:
The Long Journey to Standing
up for . . . "Human Worth,
Human Rights & Human Dignity!"

Yuri Kochiyama
May 19, 1921 – June 1, 2014

As Yuri Kochiyama, grew & guided her own family, she would also . . .

dedicate her life to growing &
guiding the . . .
"Consciousness of America"
toward realizing its greater potential
as a Nation of Civil Rights,
Justice & Equality!
On June 6, 2014, the White House honored Kochiyama on its website for dedicating "her life to the pursuit of social justice,
not only for the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, but all communities of color."

Learn more about the Life & Legacy of
Yuri Kochiyama
Courtesy, The Christian Science Monitor

See Also:

The Historic, Honorable & Decorated
Bravery of "The Nisei:"

Second generation Japanese Americans, known as Nisei, demanded the right to join the armed forces during World War II. They wanted to serve their country despite facing intense discrimination. On February 9, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt ordered the relocation of Japanese Americans living on the west coast.
Text Courtesy: https://www.thenmusa.org/nisei-soldiers-in-world-war-ii
The 442nd Regimental U.S. Army
WWII Combat Team
Must See Video:

Video Courtesy, DEVGRU5022
The Beloved & Legendary . . .

Learn more at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Ho
Who wooed the "Whole World" with
"Tiny Bubbles". . .
The Dynamic & Unforgettable
Bruce Lee . . .

Learn more at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Lee
Who demonstrated the discipline and
skills of martial arts while
expounding the depth of
his philosophy.
Herein are only a few examples that
"All Americans" should genuinely
appreciate with considerate
recognition. The richness
of diversity throughout
American society is an unmatched
wealth that shall always include
those invaluable, blended
cultures and contributions
of . . .
Asian-Pacific American
- EPACHA Foundation -

Click below to Learn More about . . .

It's time to Celebrate Together!

EPACHA Foundation Extends Sincerest Thanks to
All Who Helped Make This Webpage Possible

If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.
Sincerest Thanks are Extended to http://archive.org/web/ for having made possible an archived viewing of
EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:

Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:
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