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COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear
COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear
COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear

Calling All COGIs!   Calling All COGIs!

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Calling All COGIs!   Calling All COGIs!

Corporations / Organizations /

Groups / Individuals!

The Future is already with us today!

Now, in the 21st Century - wherein the

future is at hand . . . 

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Should Children seek the help . . . of every

Corporate hand?

Should Organizations and Groups commit to

Humanity & Humanity's life-sustaining Environment . . . by taking a firm stand?

Should Individuals be reminded of what

it means to truly be great and 

justifiably grand?!

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COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear
COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear

Should Children seek a Corporate

reliance - a relation . . . .

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. . . . for their future education?

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Where is the happiness, freedom

and wholesomeness?

Can happiness be found in

homelessness . . . 


Courtesy, Homelessness in America

. . . . for Children of every land?

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Courtesy, UNICEF -

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Should Children continue to

live in "dark squalors" . . .

none can understand?!

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Courtesy, Reuters - Ethnic Karen Children of Thailand in Mae La Refugee Camp

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COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear
COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear


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And the stark, naked truth is

here - stamped with

R e m i n d e r s

to COGIs everywhere!

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What is a COGI?


"COGI"  is  an  acronym  especially

created by EPACHA Foundation.

"COGIs" refer  to:  "Corporations / Organizations /

Groups / Individuals"  who  have amassed  the

wherewithal  to  significantly  contribute  to

the improvement of  "All of Humanity and

our  Environment."  The  Foundation

EPACHA   implores  COGIs

globally to help ascertain the needs

 of  Humanity's  poorest  populations  yet

unjustly trapped in the thralls of stagnation: 

wrapped in abject poverty, non-development

and blanketed with human degradation due

to utter neglect for many generations.

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COGIs  will  also be  asked to  participate

in the monitoring and maintaining of our

Environment to ensure a cleaner,

greener Human habitat for all.

What does this mean?

If you're a "COGI," the larger

portion of the tremendous amount of

"Work to be done" in the 21st Century
and  throughout  this  new  Millennium

is poised to consume a great deal of

your time and resources.

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A  careful  critique  of  present-day

joblessness with the potential

of slowing economies - on a

global scale - can certainly

 lead to one conclusion:

time has been wasted and

the poor have continued to

languish  and  suffer.  And  not

only the poor, but now the workers

themselves  who  should  have  been

gainfully employed to relieve the chronic

sufferings of so great a number of Humanity's

neglected have also joined the ranks of stagnation

due to unemployment trends which are circling the

globe  many times over.  Needless to say,  children

of every generation must be gainfully employed

when subsequently reaching adulthood!

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The world has now entered the twenty-first year

since the dawning days of a new century and

millennium.  By now, indications of  an optional

direction to follow have  not  appeared [and shall not

appear] to sway, convince or even give a semblance of

changing the destined, "set course" that must now be

embarked upon by Nations great and small.  The 

global COVID-19 pandemic has thrust upon

the world a reality that cannot be ignored:

the full spectrum of global cooperation is

the path to follow further through

the portals of the future.   

Nations and COGIs together

must lead the way understanding an unchanging 

fact: time steadily ticks forward demanding

healthier and sustainable life for

ALL of Humanity!

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With that understanding at the forefront,  

Humanitarian and Environmentally-friendly

projects  designed  for  wholesome,  beneficial

results with sustainable development and

growth for generations

to come  -  must be diligently put  into

concerted action without further delay.


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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.



COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear
COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear
COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear

EPACHA Foundation Extends Sincerest Thanks

to the many helping hands who have allowed

use of images appearing herein.


Your genuine care for Humanity and

Humanity's Life-Sustaining Environment

shall forever be etched in history with

genuine gratitude NOW and for

many generations yet to come.

Humanity Thanks You!

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COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear
COGI Dialogue-26-Brand-Engagement-Resear


If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.


Sincerest Thanks are Extended to for having made possible an archived viewing of


EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:


Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:






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