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  EPACHA Foundation Proudly Welcomes

Congratulations to the top 10    

Heroes of 2023

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Courtesy, CNN Heroes

Learn more about the valuable work of

"Everyday People" . . .

Changing the World!

Learn more

Click here:

  Hero of the Year 2023!

"Dr. Kwane Stewart"

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Dr. Kwane Stewart was named the 2023 CNN Hero of the Year.

Dr. Stewart helps people experiencing homelessness

care for their beloved pets, offering judgement-

free veterinary treatment on the

streets to animals in need.

Each Top 10 CNN Hero will be awarded $10,000 and

Dr. Stewart, as the Hero of the Year, will receive an

additional $100,000 grant to continue his

life-changing work. Accepting the award,

Dr. Stewart announced he would share

the grant among the Top 10 Heroes equally, saying

“An act of kindness can change your day. An act or

gesture of kindness can change someone’s life.”

Courtesy, CNN Heroes

Learn more about the work of

 Dr. Kwane Stewart at:

Make sure to also visit with 

Dr. Kwane Stewart at:

dr. kwane stewart cnn 2023 hero of the year.jpg



Don't forget. . .

Donations / Contributions in support

of the work being done by the

top 10 CNN HEROES for 2023

can be made on the following

web page:

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EPACHA Proudly Welcomes a

Special Young Wonder,

Emily Bhatnagar

Video Courtesy, Inside Edition

How a Cancer Diagnosis Led To Thousands of Book Donations for Kids

Emily Bhatnagar cnn young wonder 2023.1ab.jpg

Emily Bhatnagar’s dad was diagnosed with cancer when she

was just 16 years old. The news was devastating to the

teen. She found escaping through books helped

her cope with the diagnosis.

“I feel like I can be doing more,” Bhatnagar

told Inside Edition Digital. “I feel like everyone

in the process deserves things. Like the people who

donated books using their own pocket money that

they worked so hard for, and authors and just

everyone, because it's so much more than me.”

Inside Edition Digital’s Stephanie

Officer has the details.

Learn more and Support at:

Emily Bhatnagar cnn young wonder 2023.webp



You can "nominate" a CNN Hero!

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Here's  How!

Video Courtesy, CNN Heroes

Reminder . . .

Each year is another year to 

"nominate" your CNN Hero!



Many Thanks to Co-Hosts

Anderson Cooper & Laura Coates and

"All Supporting Stars!"


Courtesy, CNN Heroes



EPACHA Foundation Extends a

Very Special Thank You

to a Very Special


R. E. "Ted" Turner III

Courtesy, Ted Turner

Without "Ted Turner," there would be no CNN

And without CNN, there would be no  

Many Thanks,


Remember . . .

We can “all” be “Everyday Heroes”

by sincerely seeking out those who need a

caring hand of help in our families,

neighborhoods and broader

communities; the areas

wherein we interact on a

daily basis. As there certainly is


a profound difference of improvement can

result if heroic acts of genuine helpfulness

are a central focus of the responsible work

of local officials.  Local support is a

welcoming and indispensable

catalyst toward a better

world for allAs we

continue to progress

through the portals of

the 21st Century and

this New Millennium, let’s

keep in mind that it’s really up

to “everyday people” working together

to bring forth that sure and promising future for

children – who are the future – already with us today.

- EPACHA Foundation -



If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.


Sincerest Thanks are Extended to for having made possible an archived viewing of


EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:


Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:






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