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Mural Painting showing Galen and Hippocrates, 12th Century; Anagni Italy - Photo: Nina Aldin Thune

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons

P  H  Y  S  I  C  I  A  N ' S   O  A  T  H

I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity;


I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due;


I will practise my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of my patient will be my first consideration;


I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honour and the noble traditions of the medical profession; my colleagues will be my brothers;


I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient;


I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception, even under threat,


I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity; I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.





The Path toward a Healthier future for all!

As the world moves forward into the 21st Century and new Millennium, adequate healthcare has become a top priority for most advanced societies. The demand for quality and affordable healthcare - nationally and internationally - can no longer be ignored.


And with extensive medical urgencies yet emerging throughout underdeveloped and developing populations scattered around the globe, the provisioning of medicines, medical treatments, medical supplies and trained medical professionals - as well as the building of health care facilities for the poorest of humanity - are also primary concerns of EPACHA Foundation.


Ensuring the provisioning of healthcare to distressed populations suffering from illnesses and diseases - due to conditions brought about by poverty, starvation, lack of medicines and medical supplies, potable water, medical personnel and healthcare facilities - can no longer be viewed as separate responsibilities that do not affect or factor into the realm of advanced societies as a whole.


High on EPACHA’s list of both short- and long-term goals are humanitarian medical and healthcare initiatives that will ensure adequate provisioning to meet immediate medical urgencies and long-term sustainable healthcare services and facilities for the impoverished of humanity.


In addition to providing support for humanitarian health are projects and programs designed to eradicate deadly diseases and effectively administer medical treatments where needed, EPACHA will also extend its support for the construction of sustainable healthcare facilities, including acquiring  expedient medical transportation throughout remote areas void of viable healthcare structures and medical transports.


In the process of achieving its humanitarian healthcare objectives, EPACHA will make efforts to establish long-term relationships with hospitals, healthcare providers, doctors and medical professionals as well as Corporations / Organizations / Groups / Individuals [COGIs] at home and abroad. 


With the support of well-established and experienced entities capable of providing a wide-range of medical and healthcare assistance, the results of well-coordinated and humanitarian medical and healthcare progress can produce successful and sustainable for a viable and healthier future for the world as a whole.


EPACHA will focus on five key areas of Humanitarian Healthcare concerns:


  • Medicines and medical supplies for immediate medical urgencies


  • Interim healthcare facilities [e.g. temporary structures and medical transports to remote areas]


  • Traditional and technologically advanced medical equipment


  • Permanent, sustainable facilities i.e. area hospitals and accessible community clinics


  • Clean water supplies



The following are a few examples of needed equipment and supplies shown in EPACHA’s slide shows entitled, “Humanitarian Health Care” Medical Equipment – Parts I & II and Medicines & Medical Supplies.


Also included are images associated with Optometry & Dentistry.




Humanitarian Healthcare:

Medical Equipment - Part I

Photos Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons

Humanitarian Healthcare:

Medical Equipment - Part II

Photos Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons

Humanitarian Healthcare:

Medicines & Medical Supplies

Photo Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons

Humanitarian Healthcare:

Optometry & Dentistry

Photos Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons




EPACHA Foundation

Proudly Welcomes

C o u r t e s y ,

Global  R e m i n d e r . . .

Courtesy, The Carter Center

“ALL” of Humanity have

“Human Rights” . . .

And those rights

include proper Healthcare!

Courtesy, The Carter Center

Learn more about the work of

and how to . . .



by clicking on the following web link:

C o u r t e s y ,

BLUE ARROW imagesCA0J3GDO_jpg.jpg
BLUE ARROW imagesCA0J3GDO_jpg.jpg
BLUE ARROW imagesCA0J3GDO_jpg.jpg

Many Thanks to The Carter Center

for allowing use of images and

print presented herein.

- EPACHA Foundation -





If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.


Sincerest Thanks are Extended to for having made possible an archived viewing of


EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:


Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:






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