Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :
January 24th is . . .
Courtesy, United Nations - Photo:UNICEF/Frank Dejongh
Children learn with tablets and computers in the Public Melen School of Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon.
initiative aims at building and expanding sustainable models for improved access to primary & secondary education through ICT.
Courtesy, United Nations
“Artificial Intelligence and Education: Challenges and Opportunities”
Courtesy, United Nations
"This year’s International Day of Education reminds us that
unlocking the potential of Artificial Intelligence also
depends on keeping human agency — and
human rights — at the heart
of this rapidly evolving technology."
Quote Courtesy, United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres
Courtesy, United Nations - Youth attendees of an event on "Financing the Future: Education 2030" UN Photo/Rick Bajornas
What is AI?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human learning, comprehension, problem solving, decision making, creativity and autonomy.
Applications and devices equipped with AI can see and identify objects. They can understand and respond to human language. They can learn from new information and experience. They can make detailed recommendations to users and experts. They can act independently, replacing the need for human intelligence or intervention (a classic example being a self-driving car).
UN Secretary-General's 2025 Message
"Education is a basic human right and an essential building block for every person to reach their full potential, and for societies and economies to grow and flourish.
Today’s rapid technological breakthroughs — like Artificial Intelligence — hold enormous promise to support students of all ages across their learning journeys.
But the tremendous rewards are matched by some daunting risks. As AI-driven systems become more powerful, human intention and machine-driven impacts can easily misalign.
This year’s International Day of Education reminds us that unlocking the potential of Artificial Intelligence also depends on keeping human agency — and human rights — at the heart of this rapidly evolving technology.
We must ensure that Artificial Intelligence supports students and teachers through access to information and cutting-edge curricula and other learning tools.
And we must work to guarantee that all users have the tools and knowledge required to use this technology smartly, safely and ethically — including through UNESCO’s Competency Frameworks to support learners and teachers as they incorporate Artificial Intelligence into their learning.
The recently adopted Global Digital Compact includes further critical steps to help ensure that humanity retains control over the development and governance of Artificial Intelligence, rather than the other way around.
Artificial Intelligence must never replace the essential human elements of learning.
On this important day, let’s commit to keeping humanity at the centre of education systems, everywhere."
Quote Courtesy, United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres
Save the UNESCO Date:
24 January 2025 - 10:00 am - 24 January 2025 - 5:00 pm
International Day of Education 2025 global event in
Paris - Artificial Intelligence and education:
Preserving human
agency in a world of automation
Image Courtesy, UNESCO
The 2025 International Day of Education – AI and Education: Preserving Human Agency in a World of Automation – will explore how education can help people understand and
steer AI to better ensure that they retain control over this new class of technology
and are able to direct it towards desired objectives that respect
human rights and advance progress toward the
Sustainable Development Goals.
Text Courtesy, UNESCO - Learn more on the following web page:
Make sure to also visit:
Courtesy, GPE
Learn more on the following web page:
"PEACE" is a Human Right!
"PEACE" Must Prevail!
"EDUCATION" Must Not Fail!
War-ravaged Palestinian Children:
War where "Peace" and
"Education" should be prevailing.
Learn more and how to HELP on the following web page:
Courtesy, Education Cannot Wait
Displaced Ukrainian Children
Learn more and how to HELP on the following web page:
Displaced Ukrainian children play and learn at Kharkiv’s Spilno Child Spot,
run by UNICEF and partners. UNICEF/Christina Pashkina
Education Also Belongs to Me!
Courtesy, UNESCO
YES! Education belongs to every child
Around the World!
Education is a Fundamental
Human Right . . .
NOW is the time for Human Rights!
NOW is the time for PEACE!
NOW is the time to invest
in "PEACE" for
the success of
Learn more and how to HELP at:
Are there PEACEFUL communities
for learning in HAITI?
Are there INVESTMENTS in
education in . . .
Quality Education for many of
Haiti's Children is mired
in utter PERIL!
Learn more and how to HELP at:
A young girl walks in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. UNDP/Borja Lopetegui Gonzalez
Learn more about . . .
International Day of Education
on the following web pages:
Courtesy, United Nations
See Also:
And don't forget . . . SDG4
"To invest in people, prioritize education.”
Investment is critical to achieving
Courtesy, UNICEF Nepal/2018/ANiroula - https://www.un.org/en/observances/education-day/stories
Ancient Greek Philosophers Plato and Diogenes (17th century) by Mattia Preti
Courtesy, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogenes
The world as a whole cannot successfully progress
further into the future by placing
"Education" as a non-priority.
Enhancing the wise words of the
Greek philosopher "Diogenes,"
it can be said that . . .
"The foundation of every
Community, Country [developing], Nation [State] and Kingdom is
the education of its youth."
"Peace and Education"
are indispensable enablers of
a productive and forward
moving inclusive world
that justly benefits
"All of Humanity"
in terms of global
development, progress
and viable sustainability.
- EPACHA Foundation -
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Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:
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