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O U R  N A T U R A L


Courtesy,  "Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0" - Wikimedia Commons - Hopetoun Falls, Beech Forest, near Otway National Park, Victoria, Australia


The  natural  environment,  encompasses  all  living  and  non-living things occurring  naturally  on  Earth  or  some region  thereof.  It  is an environment that encompasses the interaction of all living species.


The   concept  of  the   natural   environment   can  be   distinguished   by components:


The natural environment is contrasted with the built environment, which comprises  the  areas and  components  that  are  strongly  influenced  by humans. A geographical area is regarded as a natural environment  (with an indefinite article),  if  the human  impact on it is kept  under a  certain limited level . . .

D e f i n i t i o n   C o u r t e s y ,

Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia

Learn more about our Natural Environment at:

Our Natural Environment is Our Essential Foundation for


What would Earth be without our Natural Environment?!


As old as Earth is, "Nature itself" has helped to form our environment - as nature is thus forever inherent throughout.


None can argue the fact that the essential role of "Nature" makes it possible for life on Earth. And without a well-preserved "Natural habitat," our homeland Earth [our environment] may well be polluted, plundered and pillaged into nearly irreparable conditions.


Being that we all share this wonderful and fascinating planet we call home, it goes without saying that responsibilities go hand-in-hand with habitation. Even in our individual homes, a certain degree of maintenance must be applied in order to enjoy a wholesome 'home-life' environment. This same attitude of responsibility is also expected in terms of maintaining our 'overall' environment.


The phenomenal wonders of Nature throughout our environment has taught us much over the centuries. Even before the modern world burst forth upon the scene with its many fascinations of science, industry and technological advancements, Nature has remained forever present in its own rightful magnificence - yet overshadowing man-made achievements.


And even with all that Nature has taught with regard to our environment, an important question can be asked in the dawning years of the 21st Century: "Have we really absorbed Nature's valuable teachings - with regard to our environment?"


Without a doubt, the answer to that question can be found throughout Earth - within every place of habitation!


A critical examination of the condition of our environment as a whole has brought to the forefront alarming concerns that everyone should carefully consider and sincerely worry about.


Pollution runs rampant in every corner of the global. Toxicants and rubbish are dumped into our streams, rivers and oceans in amounts which can hardly be numbered. And as for the race for more of everything - in terms of production and profits - the quest to gain surpasses Earth's ability to naturally regenerate to supply humanity's needs.


With driving forces centering solely on marketing goals and quotas, the responsible care for our environment has long-time fallen by the wayside.


If an examination of Earth's environmental conditions was conducted and an inventory undertaken to determine natural resources usage, the list of violations would be long indeed! In addition, the extinction [due to environmental degradation] of various plants and species would also be included as wrongful acts against our environment.


Furthermore, if a grade were to be entered based upon environmental examples set for future generations to follow, a poor report card with embarrassing failures would certainly be issued in numerous places around the world.


As we gingerly move forward into a new millennium, the stark realities of environmental responsibilities and accountabilities must impress upon everyone the importance of a well-maintained habitat. This all-inclusive charge exempts none from adhering the demands of "our Natural environment:" The essential foundation for our habitation!


No longer can environmental violators continue with negligence coupled with a "don't care" attitude concerning environmental hazards which are already plaguing us all!


Man-made dangers which already negatively impact our environment and its inhabitants has now become one of the foremost offenders yet continuing to threaten our environment.


Good examples must be set for future generations to follow! And preservation and conservation must be formally taught and dissipated throughout every portal of education and learning.


Our youth of today must know and understand of the now present environmental detriments brought about by reckless and careless behavior: a harmful trend which must be stopped!


By teaching through example, a sense of value and appreciation can be deeply rooted in our youth who are destined to carry the torch of a healthy environment far into the future!


EPACHA Foundation will focus its environmental efforts of the prevention of pollution and the preservation and conservation of our environment.


The Foundation's [EPACHA] environmental efforts will include youth seminars designed to promote a healthy environment.


Please take time to view EPACHA's pectoral presentation entitled,

Our Natural Environment is Our Essential Foundation for






Nature's Beautiful Streams . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Hawaiian Stream

Nature's Canyons of Grand Dreams . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Photographed by Doug Dolde at Grand Canyon National Park in March, 2009

Nature's Carefully Carved Cliffs . . .

Courtesy, "Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0" - Wikimedia Commons - The Seven Sisters, a chalk cliff on the East Sussex coast in England 


Provide for species that roam and graze

in wide-open plains . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Zebras in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania Photographer - Muhammad Mahdi Karim (

And throughout high mountains of

gusty drifts.

"Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0" - Wikimedia Commons  - A Swaledale Sheep in the Lake District, England 

And Birds that perch upon

Planet Earth . . .

"Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0" - Wikimedia Commons - A Greylag Goose in St James's Park, in  London 

And those that fly way up high . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Bald Eagle Photo by Paul Friel

Soar freely through Nature's

beautiful sky.

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - At NASA's Kennedy Space Center, a bald eagle soars into the sky - Photo by NASA/Fary Rothstein

And Great Gorges that be . . .

"Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0" - Wikimedia Commons - Loch Ard Gorge on the Great Ocean Rd, Victoria, AustraliaUsed in the article Loch Ard Gorge 

And Barks of a Tree . . .

"Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0" - Wikimedia Commons - A Koala. Used in the articles Koala, Marsupial, Fauna of Australia 

Cute and adorable as can be . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Southern Tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) in the Frankfurt Zoo (Araneus diadematus) - Photogrpher, Quartl

Have rights to live with you and me!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons, Kasai Rinkai Park in Edogawa, Tokyo, Japan. The park includes an aquarium and a bird sanctuary - Photographer, Masahiro Hayata from Tokyo, Japan

We're "All" a precious part of Humanity!

Whether from Shore-to-Shore


upon Mountains we adore -

"Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0" - Wikimedia Commons- Montserrat Mountains in Catalonia, Spain - Used in the article Montserrat (mountain)

We can yet see wondrous displays

of our

Life-Sustaining Environment in our days!

"Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0" - Wikimedia Commons - A 360 degree panoramic view of Helvellyn in the Lake District, England - Used in the article Helvellyn

In Panoramic view . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Lathyrus vernus in natural environment, Central Finland - Summer 2006 - MPorciusCato

Are Flowers, Plants . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Bird of Paradis

Edible Fruits . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Strawberries - Photo by Walter J. Pilsak, Waldsassen

And Vegetables too . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Yellow Squash - Photo by David Monniaux

Grown by Nature . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Peach Fruits

With loving care to nourish



Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Photographer, Jonathunder

Insects of vibrant colorful hue . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Butterfly [Nymphalis urticae] - Photo by, Algirdas

Bask in Nature's morning dew!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Scarlet Lily Beetle - Photo by Jcart1534



The smallest Worm serves a term . . .

with a purpose in Nature's

lessons to learn!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Source - Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility,

We also see clever celebs . . .

like a Diadem Spider weaving a web!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - (Araneus diadematus) - Photogrpher, Quartl



And of course, of course,

a Horse-is-a-Horse . . .

in Nature's Life-Sustaining Course!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Wild Horses on the Range - Source, U.S. Bureau of Land Management

A Barbary Sheep with young cuddled

close . . . take a nap -

a snooze - a short cozy sleep!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Photographer, Alex Starr

And Camels that drink not

of thirst . . .

are loved by Nature - not coerced!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Sahara camel calf feeding from her mother - Author, Garrondo


A baby Elephant and a Mom -

Needs a Healthy Environment

to freely roam around!

Courtesy, Etosha Nationa Park Namibia - March 2007 (charlie2306)

A charming little Meerkat - akin

to Mongoose -

Should not be subject to harmful abuse!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Meerkat. Taken in Victoria, Australia in February 2009 - Author - Fir0002


Even a squirrel . . . is a precious pearl!

"Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0" - Wikimedia Commons


And What About Baby Bambi Deer . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - The Walt Disney Company

Must they scamper about in fear?

Courtesy, Wikipedia - Baby Fawn's First Steps

Nature's Oceans and Shorelines

should not be spoiled . . .

with rubbish and toxants and

drilled-spilled oils!



Ancient Whales tell a valuable tale . . .

Of Nature's Oceans that we sail!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Humpback Whale - Author, Zorankovacevic

A school of Fish swimming together . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Photographer, LASZLO ILYES from Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Teaches lessons of Nature's . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia - Photographer, Markus Bernet

Aquatic world nether!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Author - Gregory Moine from Niantic, USA

And Nature's Water that we drink . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Child enjoying clean water and safe drinking water from a newly built well funded by charity.  Author, Charity: water

Should encourage us to carefully think . . .

Courtesy, USAID [Wiki Commons] - Girl at a new pump in Logar, Afghanistan - Photo,  Matthew Herrick, Chemonics, Inc. -

Of all who live upon Nature's scene . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Zebras drinking water in the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo

Caring to live in a world so clean -

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - A horse drinking in a meadow

Caring to live in a world of green!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Wetlands near the Moscow rgion, Russia. Photographer, Svetlana Makarova

Let's endeavour together as

Busy Bees . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Author, Artbyfaith

To rid our Environment of harmful waste . . .

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Wetland, Woodbourne Forest and Wildlife Preserve, Susquehanna County USA - Photographer, Nicholas

And gases and chemicals in bad taste,

Courtesy, Wikimedfia Commons - Gullfoss waterfall (Iceland) - Photographer, Laurent Deschodt

Which make us cough, gasp and wheeze!

Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons - Regenbogen bei Falera - Author, Adrian Michael

We must "ALL" come to understand


In every country - in every land . . .


That our Natural Environment


is our Essential Foundation -


H u m a n i t y ' s


Unique & Special Place of


H   a   b   i   t   a   t   i   o   n  !

- EPACHA Foundation -

E P A C H A ' s

Environmental Reminder:

Preservation, Protection

& Conservation are . . .

Everyone's Responsibility!

EPACHA Foundation Extends

Sincere Thanks to

Photographer Diliff of Melbourne, Australia 


for allowing use of photos presented herein.

If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.


Sincerest Thanks are Extended to for having made possible an archived viewing of


EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:


Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:






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